Emerging Technologies in Healthcare To Get Excited About

There has never been a more exciting time in the digital healthcare industry at the moment, despite the challenges posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the explosion of new health technologies which are designed to expedite healthcare, reduce costs and boost the overall care given to patients by doctors and healthcare professionals such as Hanid Audish DO. 

Some of the emerging technologies in healthcare to watch going forward include:

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Healthcare organizations are transforming their procedures as a result of artificial intelligence (AI), which is altering how they handle and derive knowledge from the huge volumes of empirical information and patient data that are now available. Artificial intelligence can be used to design and customize treatment for patients and drug options in a way that is significantly more efficient and precise than what can be performed by human healthcare practitioners working alone. In the long run, it is hoped that artificial intelligence will be able to improve diagnostic performance and predict patient results.

Electronic health records

Progress in health data technology has enabled organizations to save health records in a centralized, cloud-based interface that allows both professionals and patients to have instant access to their medical histories.  Therefore, healthcare professionals have all of the information they require at their disposal, which can be important in an emergency scenario, when there is a communication problem, or when a patient is unable of speaking for himself or herself. For circumstances in which doctors from multiple hospitals or clinics must work together on patients with complex medical reports or diagnoses in order to determine the most effective method of treatment for them, this type of healthcare technology is particularly well suited.

Wearable technology

The capabilities of modern smartwatches and other wearable extend far beyond the simple function of counting steps. A range of other functions is possible with these devices, including tracking sleep patterns, monitoring heart rates, detecting heart disorders such as atrial fibrillation, taking your temperature, acting as ECG and blood pressure monitors, and a variety of other purposes. Patients can keep track of their own health by wearing these devices, which can assist in the early discovery of any health problems. If their physicians require it, they can also share the reporting and data with them. Patients who have just undergone surgery can benefit from the usage of wearables to monitor and track their vital signs, as well. In addition to smartwatches, new wearable medical devices are being launched on the market that allows patients and their healthcare professionals to monitor glucose levels, oxygenation levels, and hand movement in patients with Parkinson’s disease, among other things. There is a possibility that more types of wearable technology will become available in the future, such as glasses, clothing, and other devices.

Video conferencing

As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and restrictions in face-to-face meetings and appointments, hospital patients, their families, and medical staff have all benefited from the expanded use of video conferencing. In addition to ensuring the safety of doctors, nurses, and hospital personnel, video conferencing has assisted in the creation of a richer, more personal connection between patients and their loved ones, as well as the improvement of various other aspects of patient care, as well.

It is always a problem to coordinate care among many healthcare providers; but, video conferencing with patients in the hospital can make the process run more easily. Patients can remain in one location while their complete team of health care providers communicates, consults, and advises them in real-time thanks to instant access to photographs, scans, and other pertinent patient information made possible through video conferencing software. Video conferencing significantly alleviates the frustration associated with this level of patient care, and it also has the added benefit of saving time – it is the perfect collaboration solution.

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