Tips for Setting Up A Subsidiary or Business in Cyprus

The allure of Cyprus for entrepreneurs and businesses extends far beyond its sun-drenched beaches and rich history. In recent years, the island nation has emerged as a strategic hub for international business, attracting a wave of investment with its favorable tax regime, streamlined bureaucracy, and central location within the European Union.

Remember the episode in Suits, Season 3, Episode 13, where Mike and Harvey suggested setting up a subsidiary in Cyprus for their client to work with a property developer? Cyprus’ tax benefits aren’t just TV drama fodder! Here are some reasons why Cyprus is a smart choice for your business expansion:

  • Tax Haven Status: Cyprus boasts a corporate tax rate of just 12.5%, one of the lowest in the European Union. Additionally, they offer generous tax breaks on dividends, interest earned abroad, and capital gains from the sale of securities.
  • Simplified Business Setup: Establishing a business in Cyprus is a relatively straightforward process with minimal red tape. The government actively encourages foreign investment and provides clear guidelines for company registration.
  • EU Membership: As a full member of the European Union, Cyprus offers access to a vast single market, simplifying trade and eliminating barriers to entry for businesses seeking to expand their reach across Europe.
  • Strategic Location: Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Cyprus offers a prime location for businesses looking to tap into diverse markets and establish themselves as global players.

So, you’ve decided to set up shop in Cyprus? Here are some valuable tips to ensure a smooth and successful process:

  • Choose Your Business Structure: Decide whether to establish a branch of your existing company, a subsidiary, or a completely new entity in Cyprus. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so consulting a qualified legal professional is crucial for making the best choice for your specific needs.
  • Secure a Registered Office: Your business requires a registered address in Cyprus. Many companies offer serviced office solutions to streamline this process.
  • Gather Necessary Documentation: Prepare all required documentation, including a business plan, memorandum of association, and information on directors and shareholders.
  • Open a Local Bank Account: Setting up a corporate bank account in Cyprus will be essential for managing your business finances.
  • Comply with Regulations: Familiarize yourself with relevant licensing and regulatory requirements for your chosen business activity in Cyprus.

Beyond Business: Limassol Luxury Villas

If you’re particularly interested in capitalizing on Cyprus’ thriving property market, particularly the booming Limassol luxury villa segment, feel free to reach out and explore potential collaboration opportunities!

Planning Your Next Steps? Schedule a Virtual Meeting Today!

Setting up a business in Cyprus can be an exciting and rewarding venture. But navigating the legalities and logistics requires careful planning and expert guidance.

During a quick 30-minute virtual meeting, we could discuss:

  • Potential Collaboration: Let’s brainstorm ways we can work together to leverage each other’s strengths, especially if you’re interested in the Limassol luxury villa market.
  • New Project Opportunities: I have some interesting ideas in the pipeline, and I’d love to see if any align with your current goals.
  • Growth Programs: Looking to scale your business? I have valuable programs you might be interested in.
  • Team Up on Flips (SPV, Source, Rehab, Sell): Let’s combine our expertise to maximize returns on property flips.
  • Of course, we can also discuss anything else you’d like to connect about!

Or why not start your free trial with one of the Launch. Build. Thrive. Exit programs at

Let’s unlock the potential of your business in Cyprus together!

Transform Your BusinessLaunch, grow, and profit with Lena Benjamin's expertise. Receive exclusive offers and personalized support. Contact us to start your journey.

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