5 Reasons to Supercharge Your Event with a Remote Keynote Speaker

Planning an event? Whether you’re hosting a bustling in-person conference or a cozy virtual gathering, there’s one element that can take it from “meh” to “mind-blown”: a kickass keynote speaker. But what if that dream speaker lives across the globe or their schedule is booked tighter than a drum?

Enter the magic of technology! By harnessing the power of video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype, you can virtually transport any speaker (including the amazing Lena Benjamin!) right into your event, boosting engagement and accessibility tenfold. Here’s why you should embrace the remote speaker revolution:

1. Global Talent Pool: Ditch the geographical limitations! You’re no longer confined to speakers within driving distance. Tap into a worldwide network of experts and influencers, expanding your audience’s horizons and injecting fresh perspectives.

2. Cost-Effective & Eco-Friendly: Say goodbye to exorbitant travel fees and carbon footprints. Bringing in speakers remotely is lighter on your budget and the planet, freeing up resources for other event magic.

3. Increased Accessibility: Open your event to a wider audience! Remote speakers make attending a breeze for those with mobility limitations or geographical constraints. Inclusivity, here we come!

4. Engagement Booster: Think interactive Q&As, live polls, and even breakout sessions with the speaker. Technology allows for dynamic presentations and deeper audience participation, making your event a truly electrifying experience.

5. Tech-Savvy & Modern Edge: Embrace the future! Showcasing your tech-forward approach impresses attendees and demonstrates your commitment to innovation. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s just plain cool.

Ready to unleash the remote speaker magic? Look no further than Lena Benjamin!

With over 25 years of entrepreneurial and business growth expertise across diverse industries, Lena is a captivating speaker, trainer, and facilitator who ignites audiences both in-person and virtually. Her globetrotting adventures (30+ cities and counting!) add a sprinkle of international flair to her presentations, and her passion for empowering startups, SMEs, and corporations is contagious.

Want to book Lena for your event? Click the link below to browse her topics, check her availability, and fill out a quick contact form.


Remember, with Lena and the power of technology, your event isn’t just a gathering, it’s an experience. Let’s make it unforgettable!

P.S. Don’t forget to share this post with your event-planning pals! Spread the word about the remote speaker revolution!

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1 thought on “5 Reasons to Supercharge Your Event with a Remote Keynote Speaker

  1. Lena Benjamin, MBA

    Calling all SME and corporate event planners and agents involved in booking thought leaders for events. What do you look for from your speakers and what call to action are you wanting to harness this year to empower business opportunities. Leave in the comments below…Or get in touch in the main menu.

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